Major Brush Envy

Saturday 7 August 2010

Lately I've been realising more and more how pivotal the correct use of makeup brushes can be when wanting the perfect makeup finish. When rifling through my makeup collection, I found I was severely lacking in the brushes I want need, and I've been geeking up and doing some research into the beautiful brushes I just have to buy.

Here are some of the brushes I've been lusting after recently...

ELF Studio Powder Brush- Grrrr, why will you not come back in stock?!?


ELF Studio Fan Brush

Sigma F40

Sigma F15

Sigma F25

and many many more...

Ahh envy really is a sin... for my purse ;)

Why do brushes have to be so expensive ehh!?

What are your favourite and most useful makeup brushes, any recommendations? :)


  1. I've been feeling the same, I have no good quality brushes, I also want the F15 and Elf's flat top brush! :D

  2. Good selection, I have the elf powder brush and love it, great for foundation, powder, blush, seriosuly it's awesome and such a bargain, lol.


  3. Ive just ordered some new brushes! I was slacking too haha,!

  4. I know exactly what you mean! Expesh with the sigma brushes I constantly go to buy but the price mounts up abit with the p&p! x

  5. Ahh i love the elf powder brush, I couldn't live without it now :) I hate how expensive most brushes are though cause there are so many I want as well! haha x

  6. Ehh i'm lusting over the 1st twoo brushes as well x3

  7. I love the Elf Powder brush! so amazing for applying liquid or powder!
    I WISH I could find somewhere to buy the sigma brushes from!xx

  8. The Elf Powder brush is amazing! I don't know what I'd do without it now! x

  9. I know what you mean. Really wish i could buy the whole of sigma or mac brushes id be the happiest girl around.

  10. The Elf powder brush is amazing for foundation!!! You should get it when it's back in stock! I want the fan brush too!
    The F40 is great....I have the #168 from MAC and it's practically the same! I would love the whole Sigma kit! Ahhh I just look at it every now and then and want it so badly!

  11. at least the elf brushes aren't expensive, but that's probably why they're always out of stock. too good and too cheap! everyone wants them.

  12. Sigma and MAC are always great brushes..

    Sigma is good for those who are on a budget.:D
    Beauty. Fashion. Interior Design.
    & Life According to Marie.

  13. personally I love Kabuki brushes!! What do you use the fan brush for? X

  14. I really want that ELF powder brush too! My favourite brush is the Mac 188, its great for liquid foundation, contouring, blush... love it!!

  15. great post, I um now want them all too thanks for sharing :) x

  16. I really want the ElF brushes as well they seem so good and so inexpensive all at the same time :)

  17. I left something for you on my blog!

  18. I've been waiting for the elf powder brush to come back in stock for foreverrr!! I love sigma brushes, especially their eye brushes as most are excellent dupes of mac brushes without the hefty price tag!
    - Beth x

  19. I definitely know what you mean! Ahhh :/
    I've really been wanting to try ELF & Sigma brushes as well! I've heard soo many good things about them..*sigh* xo

  20. couldn't agree more! I love Mac brushes but too faced are by far my fav!

    lovely blog :)
    cheers, Jesa

  21. AMAZING BLOG i found your interview and your page looked so col i had to try it out
    let me know what you think of mine

  22. @Chloe- I know, i really feel like if i had more brushes i could do so much more with my makeup! :)

    @Discombobulatedd- Ahh i want it so much! But its always out of stock :(

    @CosmeticsChloe- Hehe, i really need to too! :)

    @Jodie- Arghh know, wish p&p was cheaper!

    @ByJody- I know, brushes are soo expensive! And your so lucky, i want thebrush but its STILL out of stock!! :(

    @Summer Swirl ♥- Hehe, i love ELF!

    @Imogen- Ahh me too, so hard to get hold of!!

    @beautifulbrunette714- Ahh you lucky thing! I want one hehe!

    @Lisa.- Ahh me too, iv really been getting into brushes lately!!

    @Natalie @ BeauMakeup- Ill definately be snapping up the ELF brush when they are back in stock!:)

    @Rakhshanda- Me too! :) hehe

    @Cheryl: Oh to Be a Muse- Ahh i know, in a way its greatas its cheap but so annoying always being out of stock!! :)

    @Marie- yeahh i agree, i cant wait to get some! :)

    @Indigo- Oh me too, i have the ELF one its so soft! I think id use the fan brush for bronzer or blush :)

    @welldressedbeauty- Ohh ill have to check that out, sounds great!! :)

    @Nicola-x- Hehe, sorry! Im just a bit obsessed about brushes hehe! :)

    @Zhanna- Oh me too, but they're always out of stock! :@

    @veflexra- Aww thanks sweetie!!

    @Beth.- Ah me too! I seem to check the website everyday to see if its in stock yet!! :)

    @Laura xo- hehe, same, i have serious brush envy!

    @Jesa- Ohh ill have to check too faced out! :)

    @d- Thanks sweetie, il check your out!! :)

