Recipe for the purrr-fect fake tan! :)

Sunday 23 May 2010

When the sun comes out, England goes into overdrive. There's bikini clad people hanging around on every corner, ice cream trucks rotate constantly and everyone seems to be obsessed with getting the most perfect tan around.
Including me... ;)

But sometimes the perfect tan is one of the most difficult problems, especially after months of my skin being neglected under mountains of woolly jumpers to keep out the cold cold winter. That's the beauty of England, how everything changes when there is the slightest bit of sunshine.

And this is a big but,
how DO you get the perfect tan?

Well... here is my fool-proof theory...
Step 1- Exfoliate!
Everyone knows that the key to success is preparation, so why change that when dealing with skin?
Exfoliating is the process of removing dry skin cells by buffing the surface of skin with granulated lotions. (Sorry for the science lesson (;)

Today, I discovered that my draw was severely lacking in exfoliating lotions, so I had to take matters into my own hands...

I know, I know, it looks like mushy yellow soup/sick but in reality it is a good ole' homemade exfoliator!
And how did I make this masterpiece/yellow mush, you ask?

Mix olive oil, sugar and a drop of vanilla extract together in a bowl, et voila! You have yourself your very own exfoliator!
You may also want to use some exfoliator gloves, mine were from the pound shop!

You can then apply this all over the body- bar the sensitive face area- to unveil lovely soft skin ready to be fake tanned!

Step 2- Moisturise
Moisturising with your favourite moisturiser will not only make your skin feel lush, but will also provide the perfect base for fake tan. Apply it all over the areas you want to tan, ensuring that it is rubbed in thoroughly...

This is my favourite misturisor, Boots Pure Honey Body Lotion. It smells amazing and leaves me with silky soft skin. :)
Now your ready for...
Step 3- Fake Tan

Choose your fake tan wisely.
Many a product on the market is destined to turn you into an umpa-lumpa, so be extra careful you choose one that you know will not turn you orange.

I use St Moriz, a ultra cheap dupe of St Tropez Tanning Mousse, and it can be bought in TG Hughes for around £3!

My ultra cheap method of applying it is to use a plastic bag.
Yes I know, your thinking- WHATTT?
But if you don't have a tanning mitt handy, a plastic sandwich bag will do the job just as well and keep your hands tango-free. Secure it with a hairband at the bottom to keep it in place and get tanning.

The most important thing to remember while tanning is rub, rub, rub it in! Don't stop rubbing until everything has been absorbed and is not streaky. Build up the colour slowly to ensure you don't go too dark and if you are using a tan like St Moriz, leave on to develop for around 5 or 6 hours!

And there you go, perfect tan (hopefully)!
I hope your tanning is going well, and no-one is tango-ed yet, it happens to all of us hehe! ;)

Hope you liked this and thanks for reading!


  1. Would you post some before and after pictures, that is the only thing stopping me buying st moritz, whether it actually looks natural or will make all my friends go OMG ORANGE Or FAKE TAN! xxxxx

  2. this was a really lovely, informative post! :) we neeeeeeed St. Moriz in the US!! xxx

  3. Laura try the internet or amazon places you least expect it! :)

  4. Thanks for your help, I might try out St. Moriz as it's so cheap, but I have a question; if I only put it on my legs, will it still look natural and not like I'm white on top and brown on the bottom? Thanks x

  5. I really want to try out st moriz. I've always been scared of fake tan, because of the many bad experiences, but I've heard so many good reviews of this! Where can you buy it from?

  6. @Lisa.- Hehehe, its doesnt actually come out too dark. Im fairly pale skinned, i think my skin tone might be slightly darker than your, but it doesnt come out too dark on me, i really like the colour actually! :) Il try and do some befor ead afters after this wears off :) xx

    @Laura xo- Thanks! :) You could always order from the internet, i think i got my first bottle from there :)

    @girlinthecity- Haham to be honest half the time i dont bother, or if i do i get my mum to help :)

    @Ellie- Mmmm.. depend on how dark it makes you, its not too bad though as it doesnt comne out too dark so it should be ok (Y)

    @Grace- Haha, iv had soo many bad experiences to, but then i found this! You can get it from TG Huges for like £3! :)


  7. great tips hun! Hhah I used a plastic sandwich bag too the other week before I got my tanning mitt Lmao thought it was just me ;)! Thought It was just me :P Its great this tanner but a nuecence to get off!!! Ive still got patches of it from 2 weeks ago! even though I exfoliate and moisturise often lol !

  8. Awesome blog!

    Pls check out and follow my blog =)


  9. Great tips fabulous! I also love the tequila exfoliater....amazing:)

  10. Fab blog!! love your blog!! hope you could follow mine as well! thanks so much! u have a new follower no! =)


  11. Oh I just bought St Moritz at the weekend, I can't wait to try it out :)

  12. @Nicola-x- Hehehe, plasic bags are great for it! :)

    @MakeupByAlice- Thanks and sure!

    @Viv- heheh cool :)

    @missKC027- Thankyouu :) and sure ill take a look! :)

    @Dollface- Hehehe, hope you like it :)


  13. These are great tips! thanks for sharing and I am loving your blog! xoxo

  14. I can't wait to try the homemade exfoliator!
    Guess what I'll be doing tomorro :p
    Really useful guide :)

  15. great tips!

  16. @Fern ♥- Thanks!! :)

    @Taj Acosta- Aw thankyou! :)

    @..R May A..- Hope it goes well! :))

    @Jonesy- Thanks!

