A whole host of awards!

Tuesday 27 July 2010

I know, I know, I'm such a lazy blogger. All of these awards that I've been given have been piling up and I'm only just posting them, *slaps wrist*! Thank you all so much for your support with my blog, I am amazed that people actually read and maybe enjoy the words I write here, and even more flabbergasted people would actually give me awards for it! Eekk! :)
Here are all the one I have been awarded recently, thank you, thank you, thank you!!

A huge thank you to Ashley and Anna, you are both amazing! :) 

Thank you to the gorgeous Emma!

 Where do you think you will be in 10 years time?

Well, I will most definitely be older, 25 to be precise. I want to have a boyfriend, maybe even married, with a good job maybe in beauty journalism. I want to have travelled and visited every where I want to go. And I want to happy, super duper happy :D

Thank you Indigo, hun!
I've done this award before so I won't do the 3 things I love etc. again, but thank you!! :) 

I'm soooo sorry! I've had this award saved in my draft posts for so long I've forgotten who gave it to me, naughty Hannah! *Slaps wrist again!* Sorry sorry sorry!! :(

But thank you to the amazing blogger who did give it to me!

You are all amazing, but these are the 15 who I tag for these awards (sorry if you've already done them)...

Take whichever award takes your fancy girls, you all deserve all of them :) 


  1. Aw thanks hun, this is so sweet of you! I'm behind on my awards/tags too! Eeek! xxx

  2. congrats on your awards, and i love your 10 year goals! :)


  3. congrats hanna..hey check out my blog.

  4. @May- Your welcome, better get up to date hehe! :)

    @Charlotte- Your welcome hun!

    @Jennifer- Your very welcome :))

    @girlinthecity- Hehe, good idea girlie! Aww thats a shame, you've got to be strict with yourself, lol! Your welcome :D

    @Cheryl: Oh to Be a Muse- Thanks babe!!

    @Fern- Your welcome!!

    @Rakhshanda- Thanks, and sure :)


  5. Thankyou so much Hannah, and you DO deserve the awards- you have a way with words. Continue what your doing ;) <3 x

  6. Aww thanks so much :) && I agree 100% with what Sophie said :) ^^ xx

  7. @Sophie- Aww thankyou! That made my day! Yours so sweet! :))

    @Nicola- Aww thankyou so so so much! :) xx

  8. Awwww thank you!! I'm so late on this, lol i'm so sorry :( Thank you again dollie :) xo
