Winter is not my favourite season. Snow, rain, clouds and Halloween are some of my least favourite things- anything cold and/or scary is not top on my favourites list. Which is primarily why I need a brand new wardrobe to counteract all these negative aspects of the season; brand new mittens and hats seem to make the dark, cold months that little bit more bearable. These two are from New Look, both around £5 and are just adorable. The mittens have fur on the insides and are softer than actual kittens paws. Bobble hats are by far my favourite winter accessory, and hat hair aside I think these are the perfect extra to any winter outfit.
The piece de resistance of my winter wardrobe is my brand new leather jack from Topshop, £58. Although a little on the pricey side this investment will hopefully last me a good few winters to come. The fur is to die for soft and is cosey and snuggly enough for when it drops below 0 degrees.
Overall I am super pleased with all my new winter buys, but please, please, hurry up summer!