May's Ins and Outs!

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Is it just me, or is 2010 flying by!?

June!! Already?!!?
Oh well, time for some Ins and Outs, me thinks ;)


Summer, Summer, Summer!
(As I was writing that I accidentally started singing the 'summer summer summer' thing from High School Musical 2... obsessed or what??)
Summer is finally here, and although out of my window I see dreary clouds and grey sky, the sun was out full force earlier this week, I even have the sun burn to prove it!
Summer brings with it all sorts of fun, exciting things, including new sports, holidays and a tan!
Yesterday I went on a picnic with my friends, a great opportunity to eat ourselves silly and frolic around in the sun, chasing people in the woods! I ate a ridiculous amount of food...

Mmmmmm, nom nom nom!

80's Look!
Yep, that's right, I'm actually obsessed with the 80's makeup look-
Nude lips, huge hair, dark eyes- you name it, I'm doing it!
For nude lips in particular- Gosh Darling- my new love!
See last post ;)

Sex and the City!
I've recently discovered my love for Carrie and the gang on SATC. The shoes, the dresses, the men, I love it all. Everything seems so perfect in New York, I want to go there!
Wednesday is the best day this week, its when I'm going to see the new film, and I cannot wait!

Country Music
OK, I admit it, I am a huge fan of country music, and I'm not ashamed! :)
One word- Taylor Swift, well OK two :)
Taylor Swift is my idol, she is so amazing, and because I am such a country music keeno I have every single one of the songs she has ever written on my ipod!
After being Taylor Swift's number 1 fan for about a year now, I have recently discovered Carrie Underwood, another major country singer in America. I have to say I love love love love LOVE her music, and have downloaded about 10 of her songs already!


Exams :/
Stupid, stupid, stupid exams can go and die in a hole. I hate them, full stop.

With the sunshine comes one of my greatest problems- freckles!
Don't get me wrong, freckles look beautiful on some people, but on me I hate them! They lurk around all winter until the fist rays of sun touch my face and then *baammm*, there they are and no amount of foundation will ever cover them!

This year I have resolved to embrace my frecklyness and not try to cover them up, hmm lets see how that goes... :/

Does my school not realise that I have a life and do not want to spend every waking moment stressing about how much coursework I have to do! Eeeekkk! 

Sorry for the rants!!

Have a great June everyone! :):):)


  1. I loveee SATC and can't wait to go and watch the new one :)

    I understand about the freckles I have exactly the same problem they are so annoying!


  2. Ooh, picnics are definitely one of the delights of summer ;)
    And exams are not.

    Oh well, less than a month for me! And luckily I don't have any coursework left. Otherwise, I'd die.
    Why am I taking a coursework subject at college? Ahaha.

    Good luck with your exams! How many do you have left? Are you looking forward to next week? I take it you have 2 maths and 2 english too? xx

  3. I would show my freckles but mine are really bad, even i if i show or hide them they look just as bad!

  4. I think freckles are adorable on everyone!

  5. I seem to have the exact feelings of summer as you do. Freckles are bad, Exams are bad. Yet picnics are great and a tan is great (if I can get one).

  6. But freckles are actually great!
    Learn to embrace it =]
    And loving the food photo.

  7. Ah, SATC, my new love too! I've been watching episodes over the holiday instead of revising :/ probably not good! :) x

  8. Aww I think your freckles suit you! Mine come out in the summer too! XO

  9. Ohh wow, Amazing a picknick! Yummy! Haha I'm obbsessed with Taylor Swift too! noo Im her number 1 fan ;) Haha! I am obbsessed with her two albums! They rarely see daylight as there always being played in my cd player haha :P I want to see her in concert so badd! && Ohh I can't wait to see sex and the city two ! :D

  10. I love Taylor Swift- but I never tell anyone lol
    & I adore the 80's look, I just can't pull of those damn nude lips!

  11. New York is great! I've only been there once but I didn't have enough time. If you ever do go, give yourself AT LEAST 3 FULL DAYS to venture around. BTW, I tagged you for an award on my blog. Check it out

  12. @ByJody- I went to see it yesterday, it was great! And i know they are sooo annoying! :)

    @Grace- Oh im not doing my GCSE'S yet, i just have year 10 exams at the moment, i have a year to go! Good luck with yours! :):)

    @Lisa.- Awww, i have the same problem! hehe

    @pearlslaceandruffles- Haha, on some people i think they look lovely!

    @Sophie- Hhehe :)

    @Nat Elizabeth- Im trying, and hehe it was so yummy!! :)

    @Madeline- Same, they've been showing all the best episodes, its great! :)

    @hannahbabeyxo- Aww thankyou :)

    @Nicola-x- NOOO im her number one fan ;) I know all the word to all her songs haha. I really really want to see her in concert! :) And sex and the city is sooo good! :)

    @..R May A..- Shes amazing! Heheh :)

    @KrySTYLES- Oh hopefully i will go at some point!! And thanks!! :)


  13. Great post

    btw I agree freckles are cute
