Tag- 11 Questions! :)

Saturday 5 June 2010

Ahh I do love tag posts, thank you Caz for tagging me, sorry I'm so lazy and late doing this!

1. What shoe size are you?

Imma be a size 7/8 mostly, because I'm so tall! Which is awful because I can't wear these...

Without being a giant ;)

2. Where do you work?
I don't, I'm still at school in Year 10! I really need to get a job as soon as I turn 16, so I can fund my makeup addiction!

3. Favourite piece of clothing you own?
I seem to hate my clothes at the moment but... hmmm maybe my spotty dress from Primark?

4. Your favourite blog?

I have loads! I love every single blog I follow, but if I had to choose a few then:

5. Do you have any pets?

Nope, I have had around 7 goldfish in my life so far, and they all dies. Pets hate me :/

6. How many siblings do you have?

One, my big sister Sophie, who is obsessed with finding my blog! :)

Me and my bisterr :)

7. If you could live anywhere where would it be?

New York, it would be amazing to live in the sun and have the world at your fingertips!

8. What were you doing before this?

Trying to revise for my Spanish speaking test - Odio el espanol!

9. What’s your favourite food?

Pizza and chips and chocolate and cake and sweets and well.. anything really ;)

10. Do you have a middle name?

Catherine, after my Nan :)

11. Your favourite websites?

Facebook, Blogger, YouTube! When I Was younger I used to be obsessed with Neopets! So embarrassing!

Thank you for reading my lovelies! I tag all the people who I said were my favourite blogs, and anyone else who wants to do this! :)

images from weheartit


  1. OMG. I used to be obsessed with Neopets too! I am also in year 10, but didn't take a language as it really isn't my thing. If I had of taken a language, I would of taken spanish though!

    Great blog as per usual Hannah ;) x

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hehe great questions I havent seen this one before ;) x

  4. cute tag! :) ahhh i'm tall too & wish i could wear killer heels like that everyday without towering over everyone =/ that's an adorable top! i had about 5 fish, they all died on me too! haha D: xx

  5. @Sophie- Aw thankyou! I know Neopets was the best! Haha, i didnt have a choice in taking a language, we are forced to at my school :/

    @" A beauty blogger named Justine "- I love tags! :)

    @Laura xo- i know its so annoying, i'd love to wear heels but i can't :( Hehe fish seem to be a bit disposable ;)


  6. haha great questions. Love this kind of post :) X

  7. @Indigo- Thankyouu :)

    @girlinthecity- Hehe your welcome! And thanks, everyone says we look alike! :) xx

  8. Haha Neopets, I remember my whole form was obsessed with them when I was younger (the boys too, even more embarrassing, non?!) xo

  9. Aww great answers! I used to be so obbsessed with neopets those where the days :') I love that spotty top too its gorgeous! You and your sister are both stunning thanks for putting me in your faveroiutes!



  10. @Sarah xo- Hehe, neopets was the BOMB! haha ;)

    @Nicola- Aww thankyou hun and your welcome, ahh i miss neopets! :)

