Update & Apology :P

Wednesday 23 June 2010

I'm a complete slacker - I know.
But I have good reason to be!
The last few days I've been down in Cornwall on an art trip avec my school.
Complete waste of time of course but I did get some amazing pictures of the beautiful Cornish landscape and ate a load of Ice Cream, so I wouldn't say it was a complete fail ;)

Check out the beach, it was stunning. Who knew England could be this pretty!!

Talking of England-
Go England Go!

(for all those who follow the world cup! )

Have a great week- I promise I won't be so lazy in future!



  1. gorgeous pictures that beech looks stunning is that really England? golly gosh haha!! :) xx

  2. Wooo Cornwall! haha I live in Plymouth, next to it but I study in Cornwall and all my friends are there.. I basically live there haha

  3. @Fern- Thanks hun!

    @Nicola- I know, its amazing, i had no idea it would be that pretty in Cornwall!

    @Louise- Haha, its beautiful there, your so lucky! :)


  4. Oh wow! I never ever knew england could be so pretty! :) xx

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  6. @Grace- I know, so amazing! :)

    @edk.- Sure, ill check it out :)


  7. I live in Cornwall and it's fabulous here- except the weather. You must of been here on a very good day ;) xx
