Monday Masks

Monday 19 August 2013

After a very big week involving exam results, results night and V Festival, it is an understatement to say my skin is looking a little lack-lustre! Stress, a little overindulgence, alcohol, lack of water and sleep deprivation has left my skin crying out for moisture and a major detox. Whenever I need a pick me up, I always turn to masks  to restore some life back into both my skin and slightly frazzled hair.

First up is the Una Brennan Pore Purifying Clay Mask, which I slather all over cleansed skin with fingers leaving it on for around 15 minutes or until it hurts to smile! Warm water and a muslin cloth gets this baby off in no time and leaves fresher, less de-congested skin behind. I then add some kind of serum I have lying around (Hydraluron being the obvious choice today!) and then a thick layer of Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask, which not only smells amazing but also imparts a whack of moisture which my skin desperately needs. 

For hair that is soaked in festival grime - fingers crossed only cider and mud rather than anything worse! - I will be shovelling on the Philip Kingsley Elasticizer overnight to try and restore its shine and softness, and tomorrow morning will be washing it out with Bumble & Bumble Sunday Shampoo which is clarifying enough to lift the grime!

I hope that everyone who received any results last week got exactly what you wanted, and if not remember everything happens for a reason. Have a great week!

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  1. I've only tried the Origins one, but it's one of my absolute beauty favourites and would never be without it :o)

  2. Getting my GCSE results on thursday!
    Thanks for the review, will probably be needing some of that soon, haha..
    I'm also starting sixth form in september so I've been looking at your old sixth form wardrobe posts, they have really really helped. Thank you :)

    1. Hope they went ok sweetie!
      I really hope you enjoy sixth form!
