my eyebrow routine

Tuesday 13 August 2013

In my opinion, eyebrows can either make or break a face. They are the single most important factor in pulling together any makeup look, and whether you go for fine and natural, or full and thick Lily Collins-esque brows, suiting the shape and colouring to your face shape is vital. My preference has always been as thick and bushy as possible - ohh err! - and after many a brow mishap in my past from an almost fully fledged uni brow, to two tiny, sluggish mistakes, I am reasonably pleased with my brows at the moment, bar a few gaps which are pretty easy to fill in!

In terms of maintenance I am pretty low key. I have never had them done professionally, and honestly don't trust anyone else enough to get them done. My Tweezermans get pulled out about once a week to tame the stray hairs, going along with my natural brow shape, and banishing that uni brow back to the depths of 1998! I also have pretty unruly hairs in my brows, so tend to trim the front part where the hairs stand upward to keep them neat and tidy.

On a daily basis, I could not live without my Anastasia Brow Wiz in Medium Ash, my absolute favourite brow pencil which I use to fill in any gaps, lightly pencilling in the more sparse hairs at the front and extending them lightly at the ends. I also sweep a little Anastasia Tinted Brow Gel through them although this step is optional, as I am still on the hunt for the perfect brow gel. Anastasia's offering has a slightly too large brush which packs on a little too much product for my liking.

So there you have it, without a tadpole or even a scouse brow in sight - shudderrr!

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  1. Great post! I've always wanted to try the Anastasia brow products, and now you've convinced me :o). Xx

  2. Brow wiz is my next purchase for sure!!


  3. Gorgeous brows, there's nothing I hate more than pencil thin eyebrows. I really want to get my own professionally done so I can then learn how to do them myself but I'm a tad nervous :-)

  4. Thats a great routine

  5. What mascara do you use? Your eyelashes look amazing :) xx

  6. ahh thankyou for writing this - your brows are insane. I go through stages of filling them in loads and then not at all - can't make my mind up :P but definitely heard a lot of good things about the Anastasia brow products, will be checking them out

    x x x

    1. Thanks so much Fern! Anastacia products are the way foward:) xxx

  7. You eyebrows are so gorgeous.... I am so jealous! I need to buy the Brow Whizz it looks like such an amazing product, and a good colour match too xx

    Gemma | ♥ Miss Makeup Magpie ♥

    1. Yeah Ana products have such cool colours, perfect for brows! xx

  8. I love your eyebrows. Mine are naturally wonky, one is higher than the other so it looks like I'm raising my eyebrow all the time lol

    Love the blog :)
