here comes the sun, here comes the sun...

Monday 11 April 2011

So Summer has finally hit England; the sun's shining, the birds are tweeting and the kids are out sunbathing, and I'm loving it.
Its time to crack out the fake tan, the ice creams and the... revision!?

Yes, that's right, GCSEs are just around the corner, so it looks like this half term will be filled with algebra, biology and past papers - whoop-de-do :|

Although I wont be having too much fun for the next two weeks, that doesn't mean I wont be enjoying the sunny sun sun! And with the outbreak of the sun, comes a whole new level of makeup. Summer brights, warm tans and coral lips are perfect for the even more perfect weather, and I've been cracking out the ol' UD Naked Palette to create some warm, shiny eye looks... 

Paired with glowy skin and MAC Shy Girl lipstick I love this oh so summery look!

What are you wearing on your face this summer?


  1. Yay for sun!!! :) you're eye makeup is so so pretty !! xxx

    Also, I'm having a giveaway! - for a makeup palette over at my blog, you might wanna check it out :)? Love Hannah xxx

  2. I've got a load of revision to do aswell this easter :( You look stunning as usual! x

  3. Which Biology are you doing?
    I just did 1a for the first time and I was so shocked, beware, it was wayyyyy harder than the past papers!
    I'm so glad the results are relative!

  4. Soooo Pretty! Really want to get my hands on a UD Naked Palette! Good Luck with the revision :) xo

  5. I don't tend to like summer but quite exicted about it

  6. Very pretty hunni!

  7. Pretty and fresh makeup! You look lovely.:D

    I will be wearing a lot of neutral eyeshadows and cream blushes!:D

    Good luck with school!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  8. LOVE this look! So simple and glowy and just all round fab

  9. LOVE this look you're all glowy and nice :) Gooduck for your GCSE's!

  10. looking beautiful as per, loving the eyemakeup - and your hair! <3

  11. Gorgeous Hannah! Such a shame that we have to waste the sun doing revision!xx

  12. Love your make-up. Maybe you could revise in the sun? x

  13. Hey, how are ya??
    Love the make-up! :D


  14. Thankyou for all your lovely comments girls! Hope you all enjoy trying out summery makeup! :)

    @Mary- I'm taking triple science with all the papers in summer, my school doesnt do modular :( and oh know, i hope they arn't too hard!

    @Laura- I got my UD Palette from House of Fraser, i think they are getting easier to get hold of :)

    @Fern- you can talk- your the one with gorgeous hair missy!:)

    @Holly- I know, and now the suns gone! :(

    @Christina Marie- I have been for the past few days, but now its gone all cloudy again :(


  15. Yay for summer shame the sun didn't last mind :(! You look stunning your make-up is lovely xxx
